What do we do?
Tailored .NET and AZURE solutions for businesses
At Prognetics, we match your needs with a professional and experienced team of developers.
We provide a full-stack combination of Microsoft technology with modern JavaScript, using
React and Angular.
With PROgnetics you can be sure that your project goals will be achieved at a PRO level.
With PROgnetics you can be sure that your project goals will be achieved at a PRO level.

Team augmentation
Experienced .NET and AZURE developers will achieve your goals on time and on budget.
The Skills Academy
We will train your team so that they can be more effective on their own.
What makes us stand out?
With matching technology, you can PROa hundred more
Tailored Microsoft .NET technology helps you to achieve your business goals. Choose
experienced Prognetics developers for your project. We are experts in creating, implementing
and running apps.
.NET technology means
Optimal operation is achieved by compiling the code just before execution, thanks to JIT (Just-
In-Time) compilation. .NET also uses efficient memory management.
We create complete ecosystems integrated with other Microsoft solutions like Azure Cloud and
automation tools like Azure DevOps.
Versatility across platforms
This empowers us to create web, desktop and mobile apps compatible with key operating
systems: Windows and Linux, macOS.
The technology has been proven by corporations from industries such as insurance, finance,
medicine, as well as by small businesses and startups. These solutions are designed with the
future in mind.
Well-established programming language
We utilise the most popular collection of libraries, tools and principles for application and software development, as highlighted by the 2022 Stack Overflow survey. Our focus is on .NET, Azure and C# technologies.
Open Source
The release of the Microsoft .NET source code enables greater stability and faster development,
driven by the involvement of the open source community.
We help you to achieve results by creating PRO teams.
Thanks to the PROgnetics experts, you will attain your desired results at the PRO level
About us
Prognetics – PRO for you
At Prognetics, we are a team for which designing and developing software is more than a passion.
Our goal is your peace of mind. We will match your business with the best team and the latest
technology. We will make sure that you achieve your goal. As simple as that, we PROmise.
At Prognetics, we create tech solutions for companies and open source. Our developers have
over 10 years of experience using the latest technologies. Our experience spans working with
small and medium-sized enterprises, larger corporations, and the public sector.
PROgnetics values
Zrozumienie na
Mówimy Twoim językiem. Kładziemy nacisk na zrozumienie potrzeb, oczekiwań, celów. Zrozumienie na
Dopasowanie na
Dobieramy ekspertów, pasujących do Twojej firmy. Ich umiejętności gwarantują realizację celów. Dopasowanie na
Efekt na
Terminowość i efektywność kosztowa. To cechy PRO. Dbamy o Twoje projekty, jakby były nasze, własne. Efekt na
Rozwój na
Uczymy Twój zespół i deweloperów. Tworzymy rozwiązania Open Source oraz Akademię Umiejętności. Rozwój na
We speak your language.
We put emphasis on understanding your needs, expectations and goals.
We put emphasis on understanding your needs, expectations and goals.
We select experts that are a perfect fit with your company. Their skills guarantee the
achievement of your goals.
Timeliness and cost-effectiveness. These are PRO features. We take care of your projects as if
they were our own.
We empower your team and developers through training. We create open-source solutions and
cultivate talent via the Skills Academy.
Who have we already helped?
Our experience in project implementation
"We work together as a team and the cooperation has been really good and comfortable."
Kamilla SigurðardóttirProject Manager, CrewApp 
"Their cooperation was on a very high, professional, and friendly level."
Alena TomashentsevaCo-Founder, Steppsy 
"We were thrilled with the results."
Rob ShawCEO, High Point Ideas, Inc. 
Our specialists, equipped with leading technology, have delivered projects for:
About us
Why Prognetics
For us, your business means more than just code. We care, plain and simple. We care about
your success and satisfaction. This is precisely what companies we work with have appreciated.
Szybkość i efektywność
- na pytania odpowiadamy od razu
- dotrzymujemy terminów
- każdy z naszych deweloperów ma wsparcie całego zespołu
Efekt na
- dostajesz notkę o każdym deweloperze i jego dopasowaniu do Twojej organizacji
- każdy członek zespołu zna branżę,
- wiesz dokładnie jakie oczekiwania spełnia deweloperów
Speed and efficiency
- we answer your questions right away
- we meet deadlines
- each of our developers has the support of the entire team
Culture fit
- you get a note about each developer and how they would fit into your organisation
- each team member knows the industry
- you know exactly what expectations each of the developers meet
- aktywnie tworzymy rozwiązania Open Source
- dzielimy się wiedzą w Akademii Umiejętności
- jesteśmy członkiem IT corner
- dbamy o porozumienie na poziomie PRO
- mówimy w języku Twojej organizacji
- zrobimy wszystko, by pomóc Ci osiągnąć cele projektu
- we actively create open source solutions
- we share knowledge at the Skills Academy
- we are a member of the “ITCORNER”
- we care about understanding at the PRO level
- we speak the language of your organisation
- we will do everything we can to help you achieve your project goals
We are
Jesteśmy partnerem wielkich firm
Prognetics. Here's how we work.
Poznajmy się!
Zobaczmy, czy jest między nami chemia?
Spotykamy się i rozmawiamy. Jeśli uznamy, że nasza współpraca da efekty - przechodzimy do konkretów.
Zobaczmy, czy jest między nami chemia?
Spotykamy się i rozmawiamy. Jeśli uznamy, że nasza współpraca da efekty - przechodzimy do konkretów.
Twoje cele
Czym się zajmujesz i co chciałbyś osiągnąć?
Słuchamy jakie masz cele i oczekiwania. Chcemy wszystko prawidłowo zrozumieć.
Czym się zajmujesz i co chciałbyś osiągnąć?
Słuchamy jakie masz cele i oczekiwania. Chcemy wszystko prawidłowo zrozumieć.
Dla Ciebie
Co możemy dla Ciebie zrobić?
Proponujemy rozwiązanie najbardziej dopasowane do Twojego projektu.
Co możemy dla Ciebie zrobić?
Proponujemy rozwiązanie najbardziej dopasowane do Twojego projektu.
Twój zespół
Dobieramy odpowiednich i zweryfikowanych ludzi
Twój zespół tworzymy wyłącznie ze sprawdzonych przez nas programistów.
Dobieramy odpowiednich i zweryfikowanych ludzi
Twój zespół tworzymy wyłącznie ze sprawdzonych przez nas programistów.
Już cieszymy się na pracę z Tobą,
Projekt staruje szybko. Nie lubimy tracić czasu.
Już cieszymy się na pracę z Tobą,
Projekt staruje szybko. Nie lubimy tracić czasu.
Let's get to know each other
Let's see if there's chemistry between us.
Let's meet for a chat. If we agree that our collaboration will bring results – we’ll move on to the specifics.
Let's meet for a chat. If we agree that our collaboration will bring results – we’ll move on to the specifics.
Your goals
What do you do, and what do you want to achieve?
We'll ascertain your goals and expectations, ensuring a thorough understanding.
We'll ascertain your goals and expectations, ensuring a thorough understanding.
For you
What can we do for you?
We provide the most suitable solution tailored to your project.
We provide the most suitable solution tailored to your project.
Your team
We carefully select qualified and proven talent.
We build your team exclusively from programmers verified by us.
We build your team exclusively from programmers verified by us.
Let's do it!
We are looking forward to working with you.
We get projects moving fast. We don't like wasting time.
We get projects moving fast. We don't like wasting time.
PRO technology
We don’t just build teams, we set the standard for developers.
The Skills Academy
We shape PRO experts.
Our mentoring program helps developers advance their programming skills from junior to senior level.
Our mentoring program helps developers advance their programming skills from junior to senior level.
The latest streams
We’re up to date.
We share information about technology as well as challenges faced by developers. Join our streams now.
We share information about technology as well as challenges faced by developers. Join our streams now.
Open source
Accelerating Development!
We are part of the open source community. This allows us to improve the software we create much faster.
We are part of the open source community. This allows us to improve the software we create much faster.
What's new?
What's new?
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